How to Live An Organic Lifestyle

Are you interested in learning how to live an organic lifestyle? Kudos to you! This is a very important decision that is prone to have lots of positive effects on your life and overall well-being, so you should also congratulate yourself on your initiative and know that you have reached the right website for the best sources of information for organic gardening, organic food, and the main benefits of an organic lifestyle in general.

Many people tend to wrongfully ignore small and rather inconspicuous signs of health problems such as the loss of hair or the inability to focus or cope under stressful situations and they blame it on the daily hassle. Without a doubt, chronic stress is responsible for a number of mental as well as physical health issues. If you want to steer clear from these specific signs of deterioration caused by living an unhealthy life, this change is just what you need. Embracing an organic lifestyle basically means learning how to live a better, healthier and happier life. Who doesn’t want that for themselves and their children? Without further ado, let us delve into the fascinating and oftentimes controversial topic of living an organic lifestyle.

Adopting an Organic Lifestyle Means Living a Natural Life

If there is just one thing that you should memorize in relation to what it means to live an organic lifestyle, it should be this: living an all-natural life, the way the human race was intended to live in the first place. Accordingly, learning how to live an organic lifestyle should begin with some important changes in the way you eat, the foods you choose, the way you cultivate and grow crops in your own garden, the type of energy sources you choose at home and so on. Cutting off junk food is a good start for lots of people who are eager to embrace the organic lifestyle. Replacing fast food and processed snacks with fresh fruits and veggies is a fine first step towards the goal of eating more organic.

If you feel like you need more encouragements as to why you should eat organic foods, you could think of knowing it as a means of preserving or improving your health as well as the health of your beloved children and spouse. Living organically is not easy and it does not occur oven night. There will be plenty of obstacles and challenges standing in your way, so you are also going to need to start to change your mentality and think more “organically” also. You will eventually dream about living a fully sustainable life and start to reap the benefits of an organic lifestyle on your physical and mental health.

Plus, think of the way you will positively influence your children and teach them why it is important to drop their bad eating habits by setting the best examples possible. Instead of trying to squeeze in as many vitamins and minerals from a handful of pills, why not walk into your organic garden and pick a tasty organic apple or an avocado and preserve your health in the most natural way possible?

Organic living is, without a doubt, something that will eventually make you feel better about yourself, your health, the way you look and the way you care for the planet. Think of it as a huge life detox that will get you rid of your most destructive behaviors. Once you will grasp a few basic the eco-friendly principles of doing things, you will understand that the more you care for the environment, the more the environment will look after you.

An organic lifestyle primarily starts with changing your mentality to one that forces you to continuously think about Mother Nature and the way your actions and decisions will ultimately impact it. Once you will start to prefer eating organic fruits and veggies in the detriment of crops filled with harmful pesticides and toxic fertilizers, you should start to see the bigger picture. After all, pesticides are used to eradicate weeds, so imagine what happens inside your body when you ingest tomatoes or watermelons that have been treated with these pesticides.

How to Enjoy An Affordable Organic Lifestyle

Grow an Organic Garden At Home

One of the easiest and most affordable organic lifestyle changes you could make it to grow your own garden and the crops in it. Set up an all-organic garden that will help you become healthier and more energetic, as you will be enjoying the tastiest and healthiest organic food. Organic fruits, vegetables, herbs and other crops taste better than any genetically modified crop. The satisfaction that you will experience once you will personally plant the seeds, water and care for them, watch them grow by the day and finally harvest or pick them up when ripped will be like no other. Knowing that you have personally put your hard work, love, and determination into those small round and oval fruits and veggies you can now savor in your favorite dishes and salads is a feeling that is hard to put into words. You have to feel it on your own to understand just what we are talking about.

Keep in mind that living an organic lifestyle could also mean starting an organic garden using permaculture solutions that will allow you to effectively create a natural ecosystem for the garden. Feel free to take a look at our dedicated 101 Organic Gardening guide and find out a few of the basics of setting up your own eco-friendly and organic garden at home. By setting up your on garden at home, you will get to save a considerable amount of money on your shopping, as you will have most of the fresh produce you would normally buy at the grocery store or the farmer’s market straight into your garden. No need to spend money on gas driving there and buy then, when you could grow them on your own. Seeds are not expensive and the basic gardening tools you are going to need to get started are also affordable enough to make the decision well-worth it.

Buy Only From Organic Markets and Farmers

Even if you cannot set up an organic garden by yourself or you will still need to buy some produce from a local farmer’s market, make sure they sell organic and fresh products that contain no harmful chemicals. Focus on finding a good farmer who sells happy hen eggs, cold pressed oils and 100% fresh and organic fruits and vegetable an make a habit out of cooking at least a couple of fresh meals a week. Make sure you ask your family to help you to prep the meal or at least do the dishes using your organic cleaners and take advantage of the opportunity to introduce them to new benefits of your newly found organic lifestyle, including the food they have just eaten or the cleaning products they are now using to mop the floors or do the dishes.

Organic Skincare and Home Cleaning Choices

An organic lifestyle is also closely related to only using the safest, non-harmful cleaning products made from all-natural ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, or natural salt to name a few of the  most popular. These cleaning products will not only keep you, your family, pets and plants safe and healthy, but they will also protect your family and the planet.

The products you normally use for your skincare routine are most likely drenched in toxic chemicals that are not only bad for your own skin and health, but they can also wreak havoc on the environment when released in the nature. Just think of the chemical-rich shampoo that goes down the drain when you wash our hair, to name a quick example. Wouldn’t you like to replace it with an organic alternative instead? There are plenty of excellent organic skincare as well as organic beauty products to look into today, so you should not have any problems coming across the safest organic toothpaste and toothbrushes, face creams and lotions, soap made from hemp and the rest of the self-care and house cleaning products that do not contain any harmful pesticides.

Organic Supplements That Promote Health

While we did mention the use of vitamin supplements that contain all sorts of chemicals earlier, it is also possible to come across 100% organic and natural supplements that will help promote you healthy lifestyle, while eliminating the potential risk of developing health issues.

Choose Renewable Energy Sources

Familiarize yourself with the meaning of renewable energy in the form of solar- or wind-powered energy, for example, and see how much it would cost to invest in a few solar panels you can place on the rooftop of your house or in the backyard. You could go off the grid, and even store or sell the excess energy or switch to a similar organic source of energy in the detriment of the polluting fossil fuel sources you are currently using.

Buy Biodegradable Products

Learn what the term “biodegradable” means and find out what is the difference between biodegradable, non-biodegradable and compostable, familiarize yourself with the time it takes for plastic, paper, metal, wood, glass and other types of packaging to naturally decompose in nature. Make a habit out of only buying products sold in 100% eco-friendly and biodegradable products as this is another essential element of living an organic lifestyle. 

Living an organic lifestyle is a genuine art and having the right mindset for it is also a must. Learn that it is important to take tiny baby steps at first so you can accommodate yourself your body and mind with all the changes and give yourself time to notice all the differences in your mood, energy levels and overall health. This way, you should get the motivation you need to keep moving forward.


Organic living is something that should make you feel better about yourself, your health, the way you look and the way you care for the planet. Some see it as a life detox that will get you rid of your most destructive behaviors, the most harmful substances and polluting chemicals that you normally use, ingest, or rely on.

Living an organic lifestyle is also related to embracing organic foods and fresh products and the use of using permaculture solutions that will allow you to effectively create a natural ecosystem for your backyard garden is an important step towards this.

An organic lifestyle is also closely related to only using the safest, non-harmful cleaning products made from all-natural ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, or natural salt to name a few of the  most popular of them. These cleaning products will not only keep you, your family, pets and plants safe and healthy, but they will also protect your family and the planet.

Absolutely! Renewable sources of energy such as solar energy or wind-powered energy will help you stop using polluting and harmful energy sources. You will save money on monthly bills while keeping the environment protected against gas emissions, as you will be lowering your own carbon footprint.

Because you will normally benefit from fresh, healthy, organic and tasty products that contain no harmful chemicals. Focus on finding a good farmer who sells happy hen eggs, cold pressed oils and 100% fresh and organic fruits and vegetable an make a habit out of cooking at least a couple of fresh meals a week.